

Cloud Station™
GIGABYTE Cloud Station™ is composed of several GIGABYTE unique apps that allow your smart phones/tablet devices to communicate, share resources, and control desktop PCs via wireless connection.

(Uwaga) Please install APP Center first before installing this utility.

• HomeCloud
HomeCloud allows users to share the files between your smart phone/tablet device and computer or back up the files from the device to the computer.


• HotSpot
HotSpot turns your computer into a virtual wireless access point and allows you to share your connection with your other wireless devices.


GIGABYTE Remote allows users to remotely control the mouse / keyboard / Windows Media Player on your computer from your smart phone/tablet device.


• Remote OC
Remote OC allows users to remotely control their desktop PC with a powerful suite of software functions that Include overclocking and system tweaking, system monitoring plus the ability to also remotely power down/reboot the PC when needed.

Hardware monitor / Manual overclocking
Quick Boost
Wyłączony / Restart

•Auto Green
Auto Green is an easy-to-use tool that provides users with simple options to enable system power savings via a Bluetooth-enabled smart phone/tablet devices. When the device is out of the range of the computer's Bluetooth receiver, the system will enter the specified power saving mode.


                                     When you walk away out of Bluetooth range (>10Meter)                     Your PC will automatically lock for security

LAN Optimizer
GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer is designed to allow the user to manage different types of network traffic so that data streams such as HD media, web browsing or online gaming can be prioritized, taking precedence over large data downloads that tend to strangle overall network bandwidth.

1. Łatwy w użyciu: GIGABYTE LAN Optymizer jest zaprojektowany tak, aby możliwie uprościć zaawansowane zarządzanie siecią, posiada także prosty i przyjazny interfejs.

2.Inteligentne Środowisko Sieciowe: GIGABYTE LAN Optymizer oferuje inteligentne i proste analizowanie sieci oraz zarządzanie ruchem w sieci, z automatyczną prioretyzacją strumieni danych.

Test 1: Gra online + ściąganie Torrenta
Test 2: Odtwarzanie wideo na Youtube + ściąganie Torrenta
CFOS Speed Internet Accelerator Software
GIGABYTE motherboards with Intel® GbE LAN feature cFos Speed, a network traffic management application which helps to improve network latency, maintaining low ping times to deliver better responsiveness in a crowded LAN environment. cFos Speed works in a similar way to an OS driver, monitoring network traffic packets at the application layer, allowing optimization and improved network performance for specific applications.



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