O Firmie

Dbałość o społeczeństwo


GIGABYTE nie tylko angażuje się w działalność charytatywną poprzez własną Fundację (
 "GIGABYTE Education Foundation"), ale także sponsoruje działania edukacyjne prowadzone przez pozarządowe organizacje non-profit w zgodzie z ideą  "Troska o społeczeństwo i Zrównoważony Rozwoj".
  Działania te obejmowały naukę o najnowszej technologii, organizację konkursu
  "Great Design Contest", sponsorowanie wydarzeń kulturalnych,
darowizny na rzecz grup defaworyzowanych, zakup produktów rolnych
  jak również współorganizatorem zajęć i seminariów proekologicznych.
Edukacja o najnowszych technologiach Dbałość o społeczność
1. Organizacja corocznego konkursu "Great Design Contest" 1. Organizacja zajęć informatycznych dla seniorów
2. Eventy technologiczne na uczelniach 2. Donating of charity goods to disadvantaged groups in Xindian before the Lunar New Year
3. Wizyty w szkołach 3. Organizing of joint blood donation drives in Xindian
4. Providing scholarships to students with family problems in the Xindian district

Social Charity
1. At the end of each year the GIGABYTE Education Foundation launches the "Love at GIGABYTE" end-of-year fund-raiser. GIGABYTE employees, dependents, their children and supporters are asked to make charitable donations through "one-time donation" (deduct donations for 12 months in one payment), "fixed amount regular donation” (fixed deduction from monthly salary for 12 months) and "voluntary donation" (employee fills out the amount to donate for deduction from their salary). The funds raised from these three donation methods mainly go towards:
(1) Providing scholarships to students with family problems in the Xindian district
(2) Donating to the Children's Hearing Foundation's early intervention for hearing impaired children
from disadvantaged families
(3) Donating to the Tzu Chi's long-term welfare clients and single parent families

2. GIGABYTE has launched employee donation drives for major local and overseas disasters including Typhoon Morakot and the Fukushima Tsunami. The spirit of charity is part of the GIGABYTE ethos and we have always launched fundraising drives right away to fulfill our corporate social responsibility.

Purchase of Agricultural Products
Purchasing agricultural products direct from the producers not only protects farmers' interests but also offers more guarantee of product quality due to pre-purchasing checks. Employees are then able to purchase products that are safe, pesticide-free and fresh at lower-than-market rates. Group buys of agricultural products helps farmers avoid being exploited so the arrangement is mutually beneficial. GIGABYTE not only regularly organizes internal group buys of agricultural products but also offers each employee shopping credits worth $6,000 each year for purchasing locally-grown produce in support of quality agriculture. Previous group buys of products included:
1. Grapes from Puxin 8. Oriental Pears from Xinshe
2. Sweet Potato from Shuilin Township瓜 9. Pomelo from Bali
3. Asian Pears from Wuling 10. Sweet Yams from Jinshan
4. Persimmons from Wuling Farm 11. Irwin Mangoes from Yujin and Nanhua
5. Citrus from Gukeng 12. Nectarines from Wuling
6. Bananas from Guoxing, Nantou 13. Nashi Pears from Dongshan
7. Pomelo from Hegang, Hualien 14. Sesame Oil from Xigang